+98 902 545 5540
ُExecution of Substruction of Garmsar's Special Economic Zone Railway (2025-2026)
Construction of Najafabad non-grade Interchange (2024-2025)
Construction of Jiroft Airport Protective Walls & Patrol Road (2024-2025)
Construction of non-grade interchange in Ghasemabad
Construction of Khorasan - Kerman Corridor
Fath Shahriyar Highway Underpass Project
Constructions of the main Route between Andisheh & Fardis
Constructions of the Sarhadabad Underpass
Construction of Espinas Bridge
Construction of Emamabad – Azadvar non-grade interchange
Construction of non-grade Pishva interchange
Design and Construction of Aprin Dry Docks
Ultra fast bridge under a double railway lines
Increasing the Axial load project of the Old Tehran-Qom Railway Bridges
Abadan Imam Reza Cable stayed Bridge
Construction of Salman-Farsi Bridges, Isfahan Province
Construction of Robat-Karim non-grade interchange
Constructions of Khorasan Province non-grade interchange (Jovein City)
Construction of Precast Railroad development lines
Construction of Damghan Shamsabad Bridge
Construction of Rafts for Bagherabad Railway Bridge

site designby Karait